Posts by Nicole 2010 3
I thought I had it done but I couldnt even view my website on the web. Well, I figured it out today and it's there ! Its so exciting, even if I have nothing to advertise or sell on there YET..I'm still proud. I feel like a moron sometimes. Ive been using computers for 20 yrs now (i guess i started with a processor) and i really havent kept up. It just grew so fast! But now I'm in it and however my attention will let me absorb this all, I will learn and I will do and do well ! : ) 
Well Well, I'll pat myself on the back. Got a certified domain name, ftp hosting set up and i feel accomplished : ) I just have to figure out where to go from here...i guess, build a site ? ? : )
March 29, 2010
I feel as though I don't have enough time...Still got 2 pt jobs and kids and dog (the boyfriend is in full support and can fend for himself when he needs to, but the ladder...well, i'm sure most of u know ). I have an average of 1 1/2 hours to 2 1/2hrs to devote to this a day. And week 2, still havent found a routine...and i NEED routine! I keep bouncing from PPC to Website building and affiliate programs. Can't seem to find the focus, but i'm in this to win it ya'know ? Gotta get moooovin... I
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