Posts by Niece357 3
May 15, 2012
Good Morning   Today I have my grand daughter with me and looking at her makes me want to do this even more. I have to leave something for my children and my grand children.  I thought that I was going to be able to take a time out but when it comes to wanting your own you get addicted to making it happen.  even though I have not made any money with SavageDee's Place or any of the other projects I have going on I will not give up trying.  How does the saying go "
May 14, 2012
Hello Everyone, I'm going to put SavageDee's on the back burner for now because I have a gift shop on line.  Now the problem that I'm having with that is a Search Engine.  I don't have to much money so I need to find the cheapest one I can.  then I need to know how to make my fan page on facebook work for me.   Once again I need HELP!!!!  You can find the link to Niece's Gift Shop in my profile. Thanks
May 10, 2012
Need help with my site can anyone help? take a look at it and see if you can help me turn my click into sales. It's a site where my customers can go and find the latest in fashion.  Shopping is one of my favorite pass times and I know that there are others that love it too HELP!!!!