Amazing is Cieaura

Last Update: July 27, 2011

... And I'm excited to take my internet marketing talents to this well of opportunity.

Cieaura is the only network marketing company I've seen that's endorsed by WNBA, NHL athletes, is in direct partnership with the NBA, and currently just last week here in our country ... endorsed by our very own international boxing champion, Manny Pacquiao.

 Talk about hardcore branding.

 My friend introduced me to this U.S. based company, whose products mainly involve intrinsic energy packed in holographic chips, providing specific results (better sleep, pain relief, consistent energy, sinus allergy relief, electromagnetic frequency reduction, high performance energy, etc.)

Yeah, I know. Hard to believe and could be a scam and nothing more. You're looking at one die-hard skeptic then who's renounced his religion.

Cieaura is breaking ground and launching in other countries as I blog this. Recently, their president dropped by in the Philippines and we had a small chat. Currently, our country is just the 3rd location in the world to have a corporate office (out of 20+ countries with online access) and we are officially launching here sometime August or September.

This is one of the main things that keep me busy now. But the reason behind all of this is an advocacy that I'm pushing with a few of my friends here who are abundantly blessed. Cieaura is just one of the many financial vehicles (with health benefits) that keep this advocacy alive. Anyone who's reading this, I hope you will support this growing foundation, not just for our country, but for humanity. 




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