About No Doubt
Joined May 2010
Hello my name iis Frank, I recently became a member of WA, also I'm
fairly new to the world of internet marketing, but I have a strong desire to
succeed in internet marketing as I have been bitten by the bug.

My hobbies included fishing, and no I'm not a proffessional as I fish for what
ever happen to bite my bait.
I also enjoy shooting pool, throwing darts, and playing cards. However scince
getting involved in internet marketing and going thru the trails and tribulations,
I have a strong desire to learn it, so that I may be able to help others to avoid
the many pit falls I encountered.

Well thats pretty much me just a average joe that wants to learn more.
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babyboomer20 Premium
Frank, Hi there, A very warm Welcome to you. Congratulations on taking another step to "Owning Your Life". Wishing YOU All the Best in your LEARNING to EARN!! Would it be OK if I added you to my Buddy List? I'd like to be your friend... Please feel free to add me. Marty : )
Ezinewriter Premium
Hello Frank,
We are now buddies. If you need any help just ask.
no doubt Premium
Hey every one my name is Frank. I'm a new member here
and just wanted to say hello to you all.
well thats it for now, talk at you later.