About No1rooster
Joined March 2009
I am a financial planner living and working in Brisbane Australia. I love my job and am committed to helping people.

I am married to my best friend (Kristina) of 15 years and I have two beautiful children, Ayden and Sienna. My family is my life and I feel like I am one of the most fortunate people in the world.

I joined WA to start building wealth in other areas and like most people get out of the rat race that comes with being an employee.
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TJ Books Premium
Wonderful family! Welcome to WA. Ask questions. We get them from way down under in a flash. JOhn
TJ Books Premium
I guess this is a sticky note. This post. Someone else have a better answer? John
College Student Premium
g'day glad my resource could be of help ow and welcome to WA
no1rooster Premium
I am looking to experience everything that life has to offer. I love meeting new people and building lasting relationships...drop me a line as I am very new at this and I am keen to learn.
MarenFF Premium
Hej and welcome to the WA community. I hope you are able to achieve your goals with what you find here. If you need any help on the way, please fell free to ask. /Maren
no1rooster Premium
Thanks for your encouragement. Like Ramell below I am also a baby when it comes to internet marketing so I would very much appreciate any help.
