About Norman Racer
Joined November 2010
Hi All
I am a 64 year old, Work as a Senior Installation Assurance Engineer an a new rapid rail link. This is an exiting greenfield project in South Africa, called the Gautrain. Joined WA to look for a retirement package. Am married with 3 children and 5 grand children. Am a biker with my own club called the Credence Clan. For those interested I ride a Yamaha 850 TDM. My wife is also a biker and rides a Suzuki 750 Intruder.
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Old Mizer Premium
Welcome aboard! WA is a great place to learn the skills for online marketing and become you successful at it. I have no doubt that you will enjoy the people here.
Old Mizer Premium
No problem Norman. Hang in there. Those we care about are out first priority. I'll say a prayer for her.
Norman Racer Premium
Old Miser
Thank you for your encouragement. I will persevere with the training. Sorry for the late reply, my best friend, my wife was in hospital, where I thought I might lose her. She is on the mend after a severe infection.
Regards Norman
Norman Racer Premium
Thank you. She is on the mend, still in the hands of specialists. Your prayer heartfelt.
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME to the WA community!
Glad to have you here! :)
Louise M. Premium
Dear Norman, I'm glad to know your wife is doing better. Family comes first, I understand you're replying only now. If there's anything I can do, feel free to PM me. :)
Norman Racer Premium
Louise M
Thank you for your encouragement. Glad to be here. Sorry for the late reply, my best friend, my wife was in hospital, where I thought I might lose her. She is on the mend after a severe infection.
Regards Norman
Norman Racer Premium
Dear Louise M. Thank you for your offer of help. My wife Mart-Marie is much better. The marvels of intravenous antibiotics have done the trick. Now back to the training.
Sherion Premium
Hi and Welcome to WA. Best Wishes To You!
Sherion Premium
Stick to the action plan. Don't worry to much about the blogs or forums. If something seems like you may need it down the road. Jot down the info about that person or article and you can always come back to it. I have a blog that listed places to look up terms, definitions, and things like that. But, mainly stick to the action plan and if you have problems either blog about it or send me a message and I will help. I also listed you as a buddy.
Norman Racer Premium
Hi thank you for your welcome. In total confused state.
Labman_1 Premium
Welcome to WA
Norman Racer Premium
Hi, thank for your welcome and the buddy request. Request greatfully accepted.
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Norman Racer Premium
Hi Jamie
Thank you for your welcome and buddy request.
Request was greatfully accepted. Am totally confused.