Posts by Number1wastudent 8
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Hi everbody, I am working on a new Blog as a part of Literacy 4 Everyone. This section will focus on financial literacy and will span all ages. We aren't the only ones who need to learn, our kids do to! The more they learn the better off they will be when they are older. Don't worry parents there will be resources for you too!
June 02, 2011
It was posted a few weeks ago, but I think it was lost in the shuffle of blog postings. We are located here: 
New site launched in collaboration with Grace Anatomy Inc. - products and support for those who live with incontinence. 
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First article submitted to Street Articles and pending. :-) Now on to the others! 
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Created these quotes today.  A person with no vision has no mission and is left with indecision and a soul in division and A man with no vision has no mission and is left with indecision and a soul in division and A woman with no vision has no mission and is left with indecision and a soul in division and A child with no vision has no mission and is left with indecision and a soul in division Copyright March, 2011 All Rights Reserved
Our community and suporters have been saying it over and over and over again. Here is more proof that the only way to truely succeed in busines in todays market is feed the people with want they want and make sure that you are interacting with them correctly and politely so that they return and spread word to all thier friends.   Don't believe this?  Watch:
Well,    I have been covered with a thousand things, but I have completed reading Session 4 and now have accounts with Clickbank and Commission Junction.  Commission Junction is awesome from what I've seen for products. More updates coming soon.