Just to Let You Know

Last Update: June 13, 2011

I was having a time getting my website up and running.  I chose a plain template (Cleanfrog) just to get it up and figured I would change it later. For some reason my updates nor anything else was posting even though I clicked for it to update.  I went back through the tutorials; posted on the forum that I need help; as a last resort, I even sent a message to Carson.  I got answers back offering me suggestions as to what I should do to get my site working.  So I finally decided to go ahead and change my template to something more colorful and eye-catching.  After I did this, everything posted to my site.  So if you are having the same problem, maybe you just need to change your template and everything will start working like it's suppose to.

Good luck to all the newbies like me.  This is my 13th day.  I'm a little behind on my activites and tutorials, but I hope to get somewhat caught up on everything this week.  Have a great week!

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Unfortunate that some things have to be learned the hard way. That theme issue is something K&C need to address. Pleased it worked out for you in the end.