About Odelad21
Joined February 2010
My name is Dale, I'm 26 and live in Alabama. I am real big into computers and electronic technology altogether. New to internet marketing but I am looking forward to learning and challenging myself.
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Maz Premium
Welcome to Wealthy Affiliate!
Best wishes
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME ! Glad to have you here !

Feel free to contact me if you need help. Good luck ! :)
Louise M. Premium
Yep you're right ! I would advise you to go to the training center then click on training homepage and read "getting started with internet marketing", then, as you'll probably start with article marketing it'll be helpful to read the getting started guide in the "article marketing" section.

Also in the forum there are really informative posts!

Hope that helps ! ask me questions anytime :)
odelad21 Premium
Hey thanks! Glad to be aboard. Any advice for a new person is welcome. A lot of information here to assimilate! Have a good day!
music_mom30 Premium
music_mom30 Premium
Been here almost a year :) Just make your way through the WA action plan, here to help if you need any!
odelad21 Premium
Hi thanks! Hoping to learn a lot here, how long have you been a member? Any advice for a new person is welcome. A lot of information here to assimilate! Have a good day!
View578 Premium
Welcoming you here and wishing you the best.
odelad21 Premium
Thank you! Looking forward to this opportunity, if you have any helpful advice, I am eager to learn all I can, have a good one!
PaintMeFancy Premium
Welcome to WA and best wishes!
odelad21 Premium
Thank you very much. I am excited and eager to learn all I can. Anything helpful you could pass along would be welcome. Hope you have a good one!