Blog of Expression!

Last Update: December 08, 2010

Today has been slow and steady. I have been able to do my assignments of my classes. My deadline for making my first dollar online is December 15. However, I don't know if I am going to make it, since I have a bunch of quizzes and exams coming up... It is difficult studying and working on your campaign at the same time. Working and studying takes a lot of effort period. But great things require effort, right? I just have to put more action and effort in my classes and WA. I have many stuff to do, plus the MCAT!!! But, who am I to put a limit? I am going to keep working and enjoying what I do to its full extent. I BELIEVE that I will make it. However, I would like to hear some comments, thoughts and suggestions of what you should do when you felt like doing NOTHING. Days where you did not have enough motivation. Days where strong will was not enough. I am a very positive person, and I have a strong will. Every goal that I have proposed, I have achieved. It is just that sometimes I see my success on internet marketing so far away. I know that WA really works, thanks to the posts in the forum and testimonials. I have been here for seven months, but still haven't made my first dollar. And I ask myself, will I ever make it? I do not have the support of family and friends in this (WA and internet marketing). So, inspirational words are most welcome. 

Thanks for taking your time to read my blog post,



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Labman_1 Premium
Sounds like you have a pretty full schedule. Sometimes you need a break. If you set unrealistic goals you aren't taking care of yourself. Try not to feel guilty if you need a day off. I have the dogs to give me downtime from this. They are pretty insistent about me taking a break sometimes.