Posts by OneProsperity 18
May 23, 2010
Been busy changing my landing page into a Wordpress site.  I currently have two home pages, ha!  trying to find solution.  If anyone knows how to fix it, please let me know.  But the reason for my blog today is just to get some general feedback, if I am on the right track?  I know I need to add a lot more content etc so it is a work in progress.    
May 19, 2010
I love Vegas, I love the thought of meeting everyone there so that is my plan!!!
Thanks to Welshy video for step by step instructions.  Unfortunately I am not up and running yet but I will get there.   Can't wait to play with Wordpress!!!   Feels like I didn't get very much done today, really need to start a to-do list for tasks and stick to it, like any job really, otherwise it is so easy to get side tracked! Task No. 1 - Get Wordpress up and working :) Task No. 2 - Learn how to use Wordpress !!!
 I just checked my Clixgalore account and it says I have one Pending Sale.   I am wondering when it will come through or maybe it is still going to be decided IF it comes through?  Now I know I shouldn't count my chickens before they hatch BUT this would be my very first sale!!  It has been showing like that for 2 days.  Any comments?
Just wanted to thank Dennis, who wrote 10 articles for me and landing page text, he actually gave a lot more than that by holding my hand and helping me get my articles onto the right websites and some much needed advice. I know I still have a lot to learn, but having help like that from the start makes  a HUGE difference.  Pickyourplots is running a competition with regards to Article Writing so I am paying back a favour and letting you all know about it - it is a win win situation. C
Just launched my first landing page.  Pretty excited about it.  Have articles linking to it.  Now I shall wait and see what happens and tweak as I go along. Appreciate the help I have been receiving from WA members, this really is a great community.   Ebook Reader Review Not that I know much about Ebook Readers, finding a good writer is definitely the way to go.  I enjoyed all the other aspects and find I can do them, outsource what you can't do, I think is the key! &nb
March 23, 2010
I have Domain Names coming out of my ears, I need to start making some sites!!!     I will hold off though and learn the process, I want to get it right :)
March 21, 2010
I am just completing my tasks for Lesson 2.  I am so excited by WA, it feels so right to be here I get goosebumps.  Can't wait to get to know my buddies and share some amazing successes.    
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