My First 10 Days

Last Update: July 03, 2012
The start of my first 10 days has gone quicker than I anticipated. I signed up for WA about 24 hours ago; I didn't have a clue, a niche, or a domain. After carefully following their instructions I was able to nail down my niche, obtain a domain, and I now have a direction. I am still clueless but it’s becoming less foggy and more realistic.

What has been especially helpful for me is the goal setting. Most people underestimate the power of writing something down and owning it. Our minds act like honing devices. A heat-seeking missile isn’t given one set of coordinates and let go, its honing device constantly adjust coordinates until impact. You must adjust your coordinates by constantly reminding yourself of your goal and adjust your course when you veer of track (because you will)

In the spirit of practicing what you preach here are my goals from my first 10 days training:

I want to earn $1 in the next 10 days
I want to earn $50 in the next 30 days online
I want to earn $200 in the next 60 days online
I want to earn $500 in the next 90 days online
I want to earn $5,000 in the next 6 months online
I want to earn $20,000 in the next year online

10 Day Goal- Find niche, Obtain Domain
30 Day Goal- Work out, continue to research Internet Marketing
6 month Goal- Go on an actual Vacation!(never gone before, but some may argue my life's been a vacation ;) )

I'm not even sure if my financial goals are realistic, but that's part of the journey. If I find that I am over performing my goals I will raise them. If I am under performing than I will try to figure what is the major malfunction, but I tend not to lower my goals unless I start to lose motivation, they have to be obtainable!!
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saxon Premium
Welcome from one newbie to another! So far I've found this place to be nothing less than awesome.... hope you're moving along, checking stuff off your list of goals :)
Stacydee Premium
For sure, you can make it happen! WA is definitely a family and you'll get to know some people in no time.
Stacydee Premium
Welcome to WA! I like your analogy and your planning-adjust if needed but aim high and keep working on it everyday. You'll get there.
onlinewealth Premium
I appreciate it!! the communal feel that WA has makes it feel like it can really happen.