Take Care Of Your Health And Invest In Your Work Environment!

Last Update: April 15, 2010

Read an interesting forum post the other day...I can't remember who it was by but it was about some of the health problems that come from long hours on the computer doing internet marketing. There was obviously a humorous twist to it but at the same time it was all very very true!

One of the conditions mentioned was carpal tunnel. It must have been meant to be for me to come across this post that day, because for a long time I have been having some severe pain in one of my wrists. Only recently did I find out it was carpal tunnel. 

So today I made the decision to invest in my health. I currently do all my work on a Apple Macbook Pro. I absolutely love this computer and all...but the only problem is that it's not very comfortable to type on for long periods of time. The worst part about is the fact that the bottom half of it is very square with rather sharp edges, and I believe that it's these sharp edges that have been putting pressure on my wrists and causing me carpal tunnel. 

To help with this, I purchased a wireless keywboard and laptop stand to help with my posture and make it more comfortable to type. I had actually been putting this purchase off for quite some time now...mainly because I felt I didn't want to waste money on unnecessary things. 

However, I believe that it's better to invest in your health because if that goes down the drain it will cost you far more money in the long run...plus a loss of productivity!

So to all internet marketers, I feel it's essential that you make sure you set up a proper work environment for yourselves.  In my opinion, here are some of the must have's:

*a good computer with descent screen size

*a nice desk to work on. 

*a comfortable chair that will allow for good posture. (your going to be spending a lot of time here so you might as well get comfortable!)

Now this might seem obvious, but when I first started out in internet marketing I was spending long hours sitting at the kitchen table with a tiny old laptop. I ended up paying for it with severe neck and back pains. It didn't take long after that for me to give in and purchase these things above.

You deserve it and it will only help your productivity! Besides, you can always write them off on taxes at the end of the year.   : P

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Louise M. Premium
You're right! Interesting post!
As Joan mentions, taking a break is also very important. :)
jatdebeaune Premium
Also, get up from time to time to move and exercise: aerobics and limbering.