My first impressions after being 5 days at WA

Last Update: October 20, 2009

After having spend hours and hours and days and even more days (in total 5) of my vacation with WA, there is a lot left to do.

Today I saw a video called  "7 Rules You Must Obey If You Ever Want To Make Money Online" and it was quite inspiring, although nothing really new of course.
To bad that the same guy who made it is promoting "TVI Express" on his main page, which looks like a MLM pyramid scheme... So how much can I rely on it?
Also it seems that a lot of people simply want to market their own products and sell them to beginners like me.
Now, for example PottPieGirls product may very well be great and offer a lot of valuable information, but quite frankly: I've had enough of buying things.
The reason I came here was to make money and not to spend it.

A lot of people here just joined and are working hard to make money here, and I will be one of them. With over 3 weeks left before I have to pay again, I'm not going to sit here doing nothing. This will work - It's either that our quitting the whole IM thing for good.

Sure enough, it's not perfect here. The keyword tool in Rapid Writer doesn't work as it should, and there's no "magic pill" here, just a lot of stuff that seems very basic. But maybe this is the whole point? That there is no "red pill" and you just have to figure out a lot of things myself? How could any product make me an instant expert in article writing for example? It just can't.
So, I'm not getting freaked out. I'll try to figure it all out by trial and error, and if I don't succeed at least I'll leave knowing that I did everything I could.
And: Kyle and Carlson actually answered me when I send them a PM.
While I think that for the bargain price of $39,99 a month (which is over 26 Euros in my currency) the tools here should work properly... it would really save a lot of time if the Rapid Writer would show me the correct results, and the KWRT should display results that are not too outdated, but at least for the last one there is probably not much to do about it since it's Google handing out these... it is good to know that the two "big bosses" really are reachable.

But there is hope! A lot of people here are very helpful... I love you guys ;-), and as soon as the hosting system will be up and running again, my first website is going live - It's called and will focus on the BitTorrent anonymisation niche. While this may not be the most profitable one I know a lot about it and I can offer a lot of valuable information for my visitors.
Also, there should be some keywords worth targeting and I can learn how to write articles properly.

No, it's not perfect here, but way better than all the other stuff around.
Let's see what we can achieve! Together, we will make the IM world rock.



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matykus Premium
Welcome Pat, Im new. Like you said take the info and make it work. I will say you do have to invest in order to make money especially if you lack the skills. Sometimes outsourcing your weak points can save you big in the long run! I can say for 39 bucks this site and community rocks!