Online Business VS. Brick and Mortar

Last Update: July 07, 2012

Is It Worth the Time and Effort to Build an Online Business?

Having owned several businesses including a restaurant and a retail store I would have to answer with a resounding "Yes!". I believe the key to success is to set aside sufficient time to work your online business, and really work it. Having worked many 16 hour days on my feet I've reached the conclusion that I would much rather use my energy working my online business.

I am relatively new to online marketing although I've dabbled in it (as a hobby) over the years. If one were to put the same amount of effort into their online business writing articles, marketing, building a website, affiliate marketing, etc then I believe they will build a business that will return a remarkable income. If you didn't believe this you wouldn't pursue an online business!

As in any endeavor do we have the discipline to move forward and succeed when things don't go as planned? When things seem dark can we keep our focus? I struggle with this "discipline thing" as much as anyone and it's a matter of keeping your eye on the goal.

Embrace the feeling of success even though you haven't reached it yet. It's OK to fool mother nature a little bit now and then! Enjoy the process and don't take yourself too seriously. I wish success to you going forward, with a little support we'll all reach our goals sooner whether they be big or small!

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