About Patrippia
Joined June 2010
I'm semi-retired and looking for a way to generate revenue while following artistic pursuits rather than chasing after yet another marketing position or freelance print production contract.
Also, I prefer to live in the country and be free to travel about at will.
I originally considered doing the same old/same old project types, but working virtually rather than commuting to various agencies and offices. Then decided a clean break and a new venue—online—would be best.
As a prelude to joining WA, I've surfed and browsed the internet for a few months now—since my last contract ran it's course—in an effort to determine what would be the best approach for me to start an online business that generates a revenue stream, yet leaves me with a lot of free time for painting, travel and photography.
In that time I've checked out numerous blogs (primarily art & Lifestyles), membership sites (art, cooking, marketing, rug hooking, matchmaking, and how to make money via blogging or IM), as well as assorted 'money making' schemes that run the gamut from legitimate affiliate, direct sales, and info marketing to some really questionable 'hard sell' practices that make me wince.
Needless to say, I've really only skimmed a few of the many categories and approaches—primarily art, lifestyle, and any membership sites—I could find.
My long term goal is a membership site, though I anticipate that could take awhile to get set up and running effectively.
I'm thinking affiliate sales may be an easier softer way to get my 'online business' feet wet (though I'll explore other options as well).

Yes, it was the impending price increase at WA that nudged me into the pond—to sink or swim. All my research, indicates that WA stands head and shoulders above other products I looked at/explored in integrity, range of offerings, and community.
It's time for me to take action!.
So, I'm here now—ready and able to take direction and learn here at WA; to learn from Kyle, Carson, and other successful members; to follow the trails they've carved out--or the next 6 months or so--and see where that leads me—then maybe I'll stretch my wings a little more on my own and get working on that continuity site—who knows.
I plan to stay on here in WA whatever I do—I'm in for the next year now!—and see if I too can be successful enough to have something significant to share by next year. Time will tell.

My background is advertising and graphic design, marketing, and print project management. If it's been printed, I've worked with it at one time or another I've designed, sold or coordinated it;—newspapers, magazines, annual reports, packaging, posters, billboards, real estate hoarding, display centres, and on and on. Here's to a new direction ... and freedom to work and wander!
Patrippia's Accomplishments

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TJ Books Premium
It was good to hear from you and thanks for your comments. Now work hard and FOLLOW the instructions. JOhn
webkab Premium
There's lots of info here at WA. Follow the Action Plan go to potpiegirls blog and play the videos. That's were you start.
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Sherion Premium
Hi and Welcome to WA. I think that with your background you will do great. I am a newbie to all of this. Let me know if you want to be buddies.
patrippia Premium
Sure, we can be buddies, though I'm a bit challenged as to just how to set that up.
I keep stumbling across things and then find it tough to get back to the same spot and replicate the action. No doubt 'this too shall pass' and I'm eager to get to that stage. ;-)