About Paul Diamond
Joined April 2009
Hi There!
I'm a 47 year old married bloke origionally from London in the U.K. but now living in the Canary Islands for the last few years with my wife and two boys who are 18 and 21.
Have worked most of my life in sales and have been pretty succesful in the past working in franchising,sales management and running sales seminars etc.
Packed it in a few years ago for a better life in the sun having bought a bar.......then lost the lot! "One day your a winner,tomorrow there's no dinner!"
That's life,so here I am back at the bottom of the ladder but ready to climb back up through I.M. which I am a compleate novice at as of today.
I am certain I can use my sales skills and experience to make money at this game,my main corncern is not having the direct contact with the customer to judge buying signels etc etc, so any tips from the community are appreciated!
My eldist son Lee is already an affillitte with W.A. and gave a good sales pitch ( He would like to be the next Kyle!) so he's half way to his first goal,good lad!
My first three goals are 1.To get someone else to pay for my subscription.2.A nice laptop to work on.3.Give up regular job to work on I.M.full time.
Wish me luck!
Have just written first Mini E book on weight loss " Eat Less, Move More" that's it lol, proven to work!
Cheers for now,and good luck to all affiliates!
**Update 6/7/09 Half way to laptop!
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Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
funjob Premium
Sounds like you have a great background for IM.
Good Luck and all the best!