
Last Update: August 18, 2011

Went from feeling frustrated as heck yesterday when Street Articles wouldn't/didn't  recognize my email address and therefore couldn't send me an activation email which would allow my first 2 articles to be submitted, to feeling euphoric this morning after having solved the email problem and seeing that my first 2 articles were approved!! Whoop-a-dee-doo1! (And yes, that was the longest sentence I've ever written!)

Just a little bit of success to share!

More to come!

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Renni Premium
Congratulations Paulkor! It gets easier from the first few as you add more. I think there's a 30 Articles in 30 Days Challenge (ongoing). Try searching the forum for it. If I find the link I'll send it. I took the challenge and met it and after that found that it got easier and I could write them faster from research to end product and even add pictures - it was great practice.
Jamie Smith Premium
Very cool, I am glad you were able to get that email sorted out and get published!
Labman_1 Premium
Sorry you had issues, I had the same one early on. The alternate e-mail worked for me as well. Good thing Abailey was around to get you through it. Congrats on your published articles. Keep up the good work!
kristiel1961 Premium
Awesome for you. This gives me encouragement. I am writing my first article today. Thanks Paul