About Peaches
Joined October 2009
My background consists of Business Administration in area's such as Hospitality, Medical Billing, and Human Resources.

I enjoy spending time with my family and learning new things.

I am excited about the WA opportunity and am looking forward to getting to know all of you.

Best Wishes
Peaches's Accomplishments

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Recent messages
albertkang7000 Premium
Welcome to WA University.

You have joined the right course. This journey is going to be fun and full of adventure.

Just pace yourself and learn everything that you can.

God bless,
peaches Premium
Thanks Bert, God Bless you as Well.
Bryceb Premium
Welcome to WA and Internet Marketing for that matter. If I can be of any help especially with you getting started then please don't hesitate to contact me. :)
peaches Premium
Thank you, alot to take in not even sure what questions to ask at this point. I am excited to be a part of a great community.
TJ Books Premium
Welcome, Peaches! Work smart and make some dough! We had a good crop of peaches this year,also apricots, cherried, plums, apples and pears. John
music_mom30 Premium
music_mom30 Premium
It takes awhile, there is a lot to read and learn, just hang in there :)
peaches Premium
Thanks for inviting me to be your buddy, you are my very first WA buddy and I can't tell you how much that means to me. I am still learning to navigate the program so bare with me.
peaches Premium
I am new to WA but not the idea of working at home, however, I do want to make the Idea a Reality and start to earn a living from home.