About Peeds
Joined February 2009
Je mappelle est Sudeep. But all my friends call me "peeds".
I love IM , football , Arsenal , Salsa , workin out and playin my guitar.
Mission : Learn from all of you about IM and more and apply them and get into this wonderful field of IM.
Tres bien,
Merci Cheers
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Riddle Lo Premium
Peeds! hey! lol I have noticed that you are having a difficult time getting to Donna's post so I figured I would give you a heads up and some advice to how this works. Do this:

I think you are getting the "Your must be logged in to the forum to access this post" window that states you need to log in.

So do this and it should clear up things for ya ;)

Click the Forum botton that is located right next to where the "New Success Stories (33)" and the "Sharezone"
After that you will have a new window/tab opened that will show you the forum.(DO NOT CLOSE THAT WINDOW)
You are now logged into the forum.
Now go to the buddie talk message that Donna has left you with the link.
Copy and paste that into your browser.
Hit enter and BAM! There you go ;D
You will be taken to Donna's forum post.

Hope this helped!
(if it did let me know okay?)

Good luck!

Riddle Lo
Riddle Lo Premium
I am glad to hear that it work for ya ;) things are going ..mmm...slow...actually very slow. I am still very new to this whole IM field and i know nothing really about it. BUT! i guess we all have our days that we are driven to learn more right! :) well my days at WA are limited but i will make the best of them and i am more than willing to help anyone i can untill my stay is over so if you would like some help or something just hit me up! take care ttyl ;)
Peeds Premium
Hey Riddle lo ... ur d MAN ... that method worked for me man ... now i can view the post -- n i feel so stupid too ..lol :) ... my learnin curve looks very steep i guess ..lol.. so hey i am in the project too .. lets play man ... so hey hows everythin else goin in WA man.