About Pele
Joined April 2009
My mission is to live my life on purpose in fulfilling my aspiration to become a successful on-line internet marketeer. This will be achieved by my commitment to bring value to the community of WA. I intend to be open to constructive critiques and have the opportunity to become the successful on-line marketing affiliate I was destined to be.

I'm a single father who's dedicated to reaching my fullest potential so that I can be a positive role model for my daughter during these economic downturns. I will expect nothing less than a stronger desire to learn more about becoming successful
Pele's Accomplishments

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Pele Premium
I've managed to complete my first week schedule 4 days ahead of schedule. I'm not saying this to boast or brag however, this was only achieved because I immersed myself in WA with tunnel vision. This is not to say that I know everything covered in week 1. I must not get complacent because complacency KILLS. As I've finished 4 ahead of schedule I'm going to go back over what I've learned to ensure I get totally! By the way I've just completed an 1 Intermediate level Took me about 3 hours as I was reading it I was taking notes. Do I sound anal retentive? lol Chat to you another time. Enjoy
Pele Premium
I guess first things first. It's like I what to have a strong foundation so I'm spending most of my time in the LRC. I've just got two more modules that'll be completed in 2-3 hours. Then I've managed to read over the content in week 2 of the 8 week action plan. Gotta sign up with YSM, MSn google for the first module for PPC then begin another section of the course. Phew feeling good though!
Pele Premium
Fourzion I've totally taken to this course like a duck to water. Yes I admit there's a lot to learn and it's a risk when taking PPC . However , I tend to hold the attitude where there's high risk comes high return:-). I'm in the LRC(Learning Resource Centre) studying about WA Hosting and Building websites. This section is fantastic. To tell you the truth Kyle and Carson have over-delivered!
renmark Premium
Hey, Pele, are those Blue Suede shoes? You are on the right track.
Pele Premium
Haha! Marquis that's me on a night out last year Christmas! I'm definitely on the right track here with everyone here at WA.
genewolfe Premium
Yo Pele,
What's up it's ssmith. Got your email and responeded. Want to put you on my buddy list. You look all booked up.
genewolfe Premium
Yo Pele,
What's going on? I hope all is well. Peace.
Pele Premium
Hey SSmith how things? Good I trust glad to hear from you. Keep the activity going within WA