Must Love Dogs

Last Update: July 09, 2010

Thank goodness I have my graphics back thanks to my buddy Sportsnut

I would like to introduce Moo. He is a one and one half year old black and white Chihuahua. He belongs to my son but he loves me a lot too. He loves to play fetch and never seems to tire of playing. He is a good boy.

No offense to any Cat people (or any other animals) but I have always loved dogs. I dont go to extremes like dressing them up in clothes except for a little sweater in the winter for Moo because he can get really cold.

Until recently I had English Pointers but sadly they are in 'doggie heaven' now.

One of my favorite memories of my bird dogs was to see them on point.  I used to go quail hunting, not so much for the birds but for the bird work of my dogs.

To see them gracefully running and quartering across the fields and then suddenly stop on a dime when they found their game. It was a beautiful thing to see.. It is at that moment you get to see all your hard work come to fruition.


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Labman_1 Premium
I have Labs. Enjoy Pointers but have never had one of my own. I do have a relation that trains them full time. ( In Illinois) but I have fallen in Love with Yellow Labs. They can be meatheads but with enough time and training they are wonderful animals. My current batch are all Therapy certified ( or will be soon). And one is in training as a Search and Rescue dog.
klrrider Premium
Pointers and Retrievers are the best. I hunted with German Short-hairs and Black Labs. My favorite Short-hair tore up the seats in my brand new Bronco while I was eating breakfast! She had not tolerance for such trivial matters... wanted to be in the field.