Marketing Yard Re-Design

Last Update: September 21, 2010

Hi All,

It's been a while since I last blogged, as i've been working hard in my day job, but recently decided to re-design my main site The Marketing Yard 

I decided to go back to the basics from when I first started it in 2004, as an affiliate site for mainly clickbank products. One reason I hadn't previously done a full clickbank portal was the lack of materials, as there were only generated links available.

I've also considered buying one of the many available portals on the web, but they seemed to lack the full web site control I need as a developer. Some of them look great...

In the last month I decided to utilise clickbanks hop feed generators to give me lots of initial links on over 300 web pages I created on the Marketing Yard.

My next step is to add more imagery and descriptive content for each product page, some of which I started to do, from the sites that have a good affiliate toolset.

I'm also looking at list building giving many products away, in return for sign ups, products i've collected over the years. I also have a good array of Master Resale Rights products I may bundle together for a very small fee.

So, if any of my friends here at WA would like me to add their products to the Marketing Yard, please feel free to contact me and let me know the details, whether its as an affiliate or other.

I would be most interested in any comments to help me on my way, good or bad, and look forward to building more content, or even writing my own materials/scripts to offer.

Wishing you all Great Success,

Peter Riley.

P.S. There is a login on each page, which doesn't work, as i've just added it for future development when I launch the give aways.


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