About Phoenixwunin
Joined April 2008
Hey everyone.. thank you for stopping by =)

My name is Faiz and I'm 21 this year. I am from Malaysia and just started IM early January of this year (2008). Hope to make real cash from the internet so I can stop worrying about my future and ofcourse.. get my dream car.

I'm aiming to be able to earn at least $10,000 per month from the internet by the end of this year. Sound impossible.. but I really believe I can.. and I have faith in my self telling me that I can do it. Well.. if others can do it why can't I right?? As such I'm really glad I found this membership with all the resources.

Pleased to meet you all... feel free to add me to your buddy list and drop me a hello.

Thanks and take care =)

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yusznet Premium
Salam bro....aku Yusz....baru jer join WA.....harap2 dapat tunjuk ajar dari saudara Faiz....coz aku masih trsangatlah baru dalam Biznes online nih....Peace!!!
m_warden Premium
wats up Faiz, I am also young and ambituos to make money online. Thats a pretty nice looking dream car, I also have a few a toys in mind that im going to get once i start making money. But first there is a lot of research that needs to be done since I am just starting out. Have a good 1
emarketingguy Premium
Would you rather make $150 per day within 8 months as an IM or $150 per hour working 4 hours per day?
emarketingguy Premium
You're killin me smalls! $5000 per month??? NO PROBLEM!!! www.squidoo.com/roulettesoftwarereviews
Phoenixwunin Premium
Yo man.. how is it going?

Yeah.. I'm learning everything I can to achieve my goals. But quite hard now.. I think I have reach quite a big obstacle man. That is.. how to create a website.

Any suggestion on where I can learn to do it man??
anupam498 Premium
hei nice to see you here in WA.. have started? u need help for making sites? did u try article marketing?
Phoenixwunin Premium
hi there man.

Yeah.. I am also determine to make a living through internet. Since most people can.. why can't us right??

Hope to learn a lot of new things from you.

Anyway.. wish you luck and prosperity :-)

Ryco Premium
Faiz, I added ya to my buddy list. sama2 la kita share ilmu okay :)
Ryco Premium
ok. feelin great. working on my campaigns.. how bout you?
Phoenixwunin Premium
Salam bro... apa cerita sekarang?