Posts by PoetSx 2
November 03, 2010
After a few technical difficulties I have found I need to make an investment NOW. WA 30 Day Article Marketing Club is pushing me ahead but relationships in the physical world require a little longer. So be it. I'm still writing. I'm still being still within. and when the equipment arrives I'll be like Cleopatra - in the flow of the Nile (Golden River!!) Even Noah had to wait for the flood ;)
1 comment
September 15, 2010
No matter what is failing to appear on the outside, I am working and making progress in here. I am learning things I cannot yet express, but through my actions they are coming into being. As I do, so I see. When I see, then I understand. I am patient with myself. I persist until I get results that I want to see. Whether you see them coming yet or not, I believe in the power of my visions, thoughts and actions to create the full strength of my intentions in reality. I am patient. I take time to g