About Pradeep Bhagwat
Joined October 2008
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Pradeep Bhagwat Premium
I have joined before three days and in learning process. I am Indian and works as journalist. Feel free to contact me!
- Pradeep
Pradeep Bhagwat Premium
I have created my first blog! Please see it and give me advise.
Here is link...
Pradeep Bhagwat Premium
All my friends,
I got my first success at WA yesterday when I got affiliate commision for ''Niche q'' sign in. Thanks for support of all WA members.
Pradeep Bhagwat Premium
Thanks Kelena for your comment on my Site Rubix Blog. You can also try to install wordpress theme on your domain and use it. It may be more powerful or you can use this option for your second domain also. Have success in site rubix site.
- Pradeep
Soo Premium
Hi Pradeep, welcome to WA! I'm Soo from Malaysia, I'm a freelance medical writer. Happy learning and making money. :)
Pradeep Bhagwat Premium
Hi soo,
Thanks for your welcome message. Your message is my first feedback at WA, so it is very valuable to me!
- Pradeep
Pradeep Bhagwat Premium
I came to know that you are busy in writting lenses. I have to inspiration from you. I have posted just one lense! If you have time then watch my lense. Can I expect comment on lese from you? here is the link http://www.squidoo.com/site-rubix-scam