Posts by Prinker 17
Hello! As you can probably tell by the blog title I was accepted into the WA Article Marketing Club. I must say I have a wide range of emotions going on right now from being excited, optimistic, scared, worried, concerned, etc.  I'm looking forward to the opportunity given to me and I plan to do my best and give it my all. Hopefully what I learn from this experience will give me that much needed push forward in the right direction. Thanks to Kyle, Carson & Marcu
 Hello Fellow WA Members! I have a dilemma that I'm looking for advice on to help solve it or at least make me look at it with a different view.  As you can see in the subject line I'm trying to figure out which WA Club I should choose to try to get accepted into. My main concern with the WA Article writing club promoting WA with Marcus is the heavy competition; I keep reading to leave this one up to the "gurus"; there are already so many members here promoting and trying to
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Hello WA! I'm learning so much here and I'm trying to implement everything I'm learning, you know "Take Action" so I get the hang of things and understand what I'm reading.  I started out my journey with PotPieGirl's The Dam Way. Once I finished I thought I'm ready for the next step so I bought her One Week Marketing course. I'm cruising along each day doing my thing making lenses, publishing lenses, submitting my RSS feed for each lens, writing articles, etc. By this point I'm t
Hello All! I have a question about; I was getting ready to download this free software when my computer popped up a message which said if I download this material it may harm my computer; I immediately stopped.  Does anyone out there know anything about this program and software; is it okay to use? If not do you know of another program that is safe and free. I don't want to harm my computer and put myself out of commission.  Thanks!
Hello WA! I need some help! I'm learning so much here and really enjoying myself. I've completed PotPieGirl's The Dam Way and am currently working through her One Week Marketing course; I've already implemented quite a bit; however I have not made a sale yet.  This is where the I need some help comes in; does anyone have any suggestions, thoughts, ideas on how I could start making some income now while I'm learning the ropes and getting my affiliate marketing going. It doesn't have to be bo
Hello All!  I hope everyone is having a great Friday! Mine is off to a good start, as you can see from my title I now have 2 EzineArticles and 2 Squidoo Lenses published. I'm so excited; I actually feel like all of the hard work is starting to be comprehended and I have something to show for it. If anyone is interested in seeing what I've done below are the links. Any comments, suggestions, feedback is also greatly appreciated. Thanks! Have a great weekend!
September 16, 2010
Hello All! I've been reading a few of Pot Pie Girls tutorials and learning a lot. I've even "taken action" Woo Hoo! My first big step and leap of faith.  I'm making my first Squidoo lens and I have a question or rather I need something cleared up for me in Pot Pie Girls  Fast Action Quick Start it states Squidoo lenses are equipped to allow you to use Squidoo's Amazon affiliate links, but in her Squidoo 101 tutorial it talks about adding your affiliate link to the lens; I'm g