Browser Pattern

Last Update: November 16, 2010

Hi All,

As the months have passed whilst trying to crack the old IM game i have kept a diary of sorts just to see whats going on and where.

Anyway i'm starting to see a definate pattern form interms of traffic and especially clicks on ad's, links Etc

Mon- wed evenings are good however things slow down on thursday leading into the weekend and a sunday can be a hit or miss.

This is basic info and have slightly more detail , i was wondering if anyone else has experienced this kind of pattern ?

I found its fairly good if your sending out E-mail shots Etc obviously trying to target a busy period so things dont get deleted straight away ...


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famousplumber Premium
I have been informed more than once that Sunday night is the busiest business e-mail time. I have not charted it, yet your blog entices me to do so. Thanks.