Hi I am new

Last Update: March 29, 2010

First day with WA and i am so eager to learn something new everyday, if i can have fun and make money at it well thats great too, not to mention meet new people and make new friends... 

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Alpha bravo Premium
I'm pretty new myself. I am finding there is a lot to do to set up a few things such as the sharesale account and to set up a generic Internet address. I have one site that is already up which pertains to my wedding business and as of yet have not inserted any affiliate links into it. In the beginning I was very anxious to get to the second instructions. While I was waiting I started researching and now that second set of instructions are up, I still have not gotten to them. I just learned how to build a website and finally got it up online about a week ago. I'm not sure what I can do to help you, but if you have any questions, please feel free to let me know! Maybe by helping you will learn some more.
jatdebeaune Premium
The nice thing is that people are on a constructive path here and generous about sharing with one another.
sherbet penny Premium
And that you will do, welcome to WA, you have come to the right place for all that, enjoy.