Contacting Congress/Senate about SOPA & PIPA
So I am not a very Political person. I don't watch the news, and barely know who our president is (JK, Obama). Being on WA today I see the blog about SOPA & PIPA. I had NO IDEA about all of this. I have since gone to many different websites and Facebooked all I can. SOPA & PIPA are almost identical bills going to congress and the senate about "censoring the web".
Just go to Google today. Its blacked out as protest. Click the link below the search box and sign the petition there.
Because of my lack of knowledge when it comes to politics, I dont even know who my representative is that I should contact. I found this great website where you can put in your address and it will tell you the people you should call with a phone number and a website link.
Go and find out who your rep is and contact them.
I have 5 people on my list and have sent them all emails. I hope you do the same!