Posts by Rahulbitm 2
The hardest part for me has always been keeping the cash flow positive. Almost a couple of years back, whatever little I had earned... I just reinvested it. I believed that the only problem was- I didnt have anything to show for back at home or to the people who were insanely concerned about me!I was mistaken and now I have realised this (phew finally!). There was something else that had been going wrong too:I wasn't putting the money I earned in the right places: I was using it to get more
This is my first blog post on the WA. And its been such a long time since the last time that I was her. Must have been about 3 years when I last came in and unlike then, I am now a storehouse of knowledge and to some extent wisdom.And I am the lone guy in a long, long road ahead. Unfortunately, time is running out. You see back here in India, you need to have your share of essential security. And part of the parcel is a secure job.Having been a part of one of the relatively decent technical coll