About Railroader
Joined October 2009
Hi All,
I joined WA in October and haven't had much success. I have made tons of new friends. Have made some mistakes already but will adjust and continue to read and learn. I have found a group of people that really help you do your own websites. Roger is really great and is a fantastic teacher. He is very patient with all of us and lets us basically answer our own questions through our group. The group is fantastic and has a lot of knowledge there. If you are interested come check it out. Doesn't cost anything and Roger will build you your own website just for doing the hosting with him. I think it's great come check it out and find out for yourself what a great place this is. I work for the railroad as a conductor. I love doing that because its not hard work just long hrs. I am 53 yrs old and have a wife, 3 kids and 4 grandsons. I just lovem all. Mostly I love my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who I believed led me here to WA. Not only to make some money but also to create new freindships, (thanks Roger). I love to hunt and fish. I am active in my church which on Tuesdays feed the poor and give clothing to them also. I will be working hard to make 50 dollars per day as my first goal and then the sky is the limit.
Talk to ya all later
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railroader Premium
Here are the links to his site. He also offers personal coaching if so desired. Roger is fantastic. Let him know that I sent you his way!

railroader Premium
Hey hadkins8
check out x2 100 page website offer. I think you'll like it
VictoriaNTC Premium
Hello Alan!
I am beginning to have great fun too!
Once the basics have been figured out, we can be creative!
Thank you for the Buddy invitation,
alfredfernandes Premium
Welcome to WA University.

Wish you every success in achieving all your goals soon.
railroader Premium
Hi. I know you will do well at WA
railroader Premium
I've been a member since Oct. 18. Haven't made a sale yet, but have been close. I've had clicks on the buy site, but nothing yet.