Last Update: August 14, 2012

That's right, I had to "FIRE" some of my close friends today.......

Lately, I've been spending a lot of time studying some of Jay's webinars, researching niches, keyword research and writing content for a couple of sites i'm about to roll out. But I seem to have lack of support from personal friends in my circle. Because I have turned down dinner invites and a weekend getaway, they feel that internet marketing is a long shot and I'm wasting my time and can only make money from ripping other people off.

With that being said, I FIRED many of them as close friends and even started a new facebook account. I don't need that kind of energy surrounding me.

So, have anyone else here at WA had to make such a harsh decision to preserve alive their drive to succeed in internet marketing? I could use some feed back........


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ECAffiliates Premium
Hi Eric, Yes I find some friends think its just a scam. I don't beleive in pressuring approval because I believe in it so much. I truly love doing internet marketing. I still get a little overwhelmed by the amount of learning for me but truly believe in it. I have also looked many times at home based businesses, earning money online soooooo many people, just got to get the connecttions. I also work and sometimes just have to tune out for awhile, but WA is always on my mind and soon find myself back in the community. Wishing you Great Success!
VTapier323 Premium
Hi Eric, I order to be successful you to hang with people that believe in you and support you. Sometimes family and friends are the first ones who want to tell you what you can't do. That was a brave thing for to do. But in order to successful you are going to make decisions like that. I think you made the right decision.
Renni Premium
I have the same dilemma with off line friends and family but can't fire my fam! :) Sometimes it's also that they don't want you to succeed -- then you might be better off than them....

Check this...

I try to surround myself with positive people but boy are there a lot of miserable people in the world! I don't let them get to me or dissuade me from what I know because they are clueless.

Keep going, Eric. There's a big, fat I Told You So in their futures.
Stacydee Premium
I've never had to fire any friends, I'm sorry that situation happened for you. I've just recently started telling my husband more about what I'm doing (after 2 years) and my friends really know nothing at all, other than the fact I'm doing it. I'm sure they all think I'm a fruit loop but hey, that's ok. There's always going to be more people tell you that it won't work than people that will support you. That's where the WA family steps in, get support here, there's lots of it. IM will work for you (if you work at it) and none of it is about ripping people off.
Balrog Premium
Hi Eric,
The people you spend time with will make a huge difference in the direction your life takes. One of the most important ingredients to success (which can be difficult for anyone--your truly included--to acquire and preserve) is the belief that your dreams can come true. If you hang around people who are negative, the will suck that faith right out of you. But... if you hang out with positive people, then you'll experience synergy. I hope you won't completely boot your old friends out of your life, but having people around that share your passions, or at least can support you in them, is absolutely necessary. Hope this helps :)