About Ripley
Joined March 2011
My name is Viki and I am 50 years young.
I grew up in NYC and now reside in southwest FL.
Married for 21 years, where did the time go?
I've raised 9 rottweilers since 1984 and now have 3 - Trinity, Blade and Axel Foley. They are my companions while I work at home every day and let me know when it's time to take a break and go play with them in the yard.
I was diagnosed with general anxiety disorder when I was 25 and I love to help people learn how to overcome anxiety without the use of medications.
Owner of a commercial embroidery business since 1996, Due to the economy, a car accident in 2002 the result requiring neck surgery and now having chronic neck and back pain, I had to move my business to my house and now only do this part time.
I live on the computer and love my new venture in affiliate marketing. WA has been great for me because I can work at my own pace. The forum keeps me motivated and I know that I will succeed.
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Ripley Premium
Hey Renni, been busy with my offline and online business but I've been around. How are things going with you?
Renni Premium
Hey Ripley, Haven't seen you around or communicated in a while so just thought I'd drop by and say Hi. Hope all is going well with you. Don't be a stranger.
Labman_1 Premium
Guess I missed you in March when you joined. Welcome to WA.
Labman_1 Premium
Glad you find them useful. I stop in there when I can. I'm a bit experienced but not so much as many. I help where I can.
Ripley Premium
Thanks for the welcome. Just wanted to let you know that your forum posts are very helpful!
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Ripley Premium
Thanks Jamie! Haven't really looked at WA spaces too much but there is some really good info on here. Always open to learning as much as possible.