About Ripley607
Joined June 2009
Hi Everyone.

My name is Greg i'm 38 and from london, UK. I'm a self employed Pc technician for the last 8 years but now i'm looking for something more financially satisfying.

Before that I've had a million jobs doing a million different things, clothes shop assistant, cashier, plumber, warehouse assistant, telesales, you name it. Most of which never really had any benefit to me and only paid (weekend beers/club money).

Now i'm a bit older and wiser, I live with my girlfriend & 2 kids in a small flat In London which is fine for now but being the person I am, I want to do something to drastically improve my financial quality of life and WA is my first step.

I accidently found out about online marketing around a year ago whilst looking for something else but became so interested that I wanted to choose online marketing as my full time career.

My girlfirend doesn't believe that affiliate marketing is a viable career move but she hopes I'll prove her wrong.

I hope I can make good use of some of the skills i've gained over the years & I'm looking forward to meeting people and sharing ideas and techniques here at WA.

Thanks for reading.
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Internetgranny Premium
Hi Greg,
And I'm from the UK too. Not even very far from you. I live in Oxford and used to go to Greenwich once or twice a week to look after my grandchildren when my daughter still lived in London and was working. Your kids look nice. Hope you manage to prove your girlfriend wrong. You joined just a few days ahead of me, so if you like we could try and compare notes. I'll add you as a buddy in any case.

Internetgranny Premium
Thanks for your message, Greg. As for using the internet, I was lucky in that I had a job where I gradually moved from typing stencils on a typewriter to typing on a dedicated wordpressor (where you had to give commands like 'don't print this bold bit' , then print with the printer leaving a gap where the bold words go, then reversing the process, i.e. telling the printer 'don't print anything except the bold bit' and feeding the paper back into the printer hoping it'll line up correctly so that the bold bit goes in the correct space), then moving on to a computer using Wordperfect and using function keys, then getting a Mac... It was often frustrating. Just when you'd learned one system well, along came something new and you had to start all over again. But now I realize it was good for me. If I hadn't been forced to keep up to date I would probably now be disinclined to learn (just as I am disinclined to figure out how to use an ipod and download music when I'm perfectly happy using CDs...)

I like your goal of having 3 optimized websites. Who's going to be your 'market' - people in the UK or anywhere in the world? I'm just trying to decide that. WA tends to point you mainly at US sites, but I think I might be better off making my sites for the UK market since I then know what I'm talking about when I recommend something.

Sorry this got so long. Keep in touch and let me know how you get on.

ripley607 Premium
Hi Internetgranny!

I admire you for even using the internet, my granny would have no idea lol. I think your goals are realistic and achieveable. i'm working toward a similiar goal with at least 3 websites fully optimised and running by end of october.

Best of luck for the future!
