About RJSpindle
Joined March 2009
I'm a freelance writer just starting out in the internet marketing business. That being stated, I'm not just in the IM business for the money (although its up there). After taking a test drive with a couple resources I found this work not only to be rewarding, but fun! I joined Wealthy Affiliates with some of my first profits from my online ventures, and (as I'm looking around) I can see I'll earn my membership fee back very quickly.

But this is supposed to be about me. What do I write? I have a ton of varying interests (everyone does, I think). I keep a blog on writing and imagination - I'm all about creativity. I'm also a novelist. I'm working on my second right now. Joining this site was a logical next step in achieving my ultimate dream: to own all my time, and use it to live life my way.
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Squidmann Premium
hi, welcome to WA!
Joining this site was a logical next step in achieving my ultimate dream: to own all my time, and use it to live life my way. i cant say it in any way more better than this!!!
c ya, David
Squidmann Premium
a huge spons:-)
wish you success!
RJSpindle Premium
Thank you for the encouraging words. This site has SO much information. I'm like a sponge at the bottom of a sea trying to take it all in! Guess I better become a bigger sponge.
restlesslimbs Premium
Hi, I'm new here too. I can totally relate to needing to "own all my time" I dropped some gold for you here.
restlesslimbs Premium
Hey, you've found a secondary benefit to WA membership -- motivation to go to the gym. Have fun, I'm sure you'll find your way.
RJSpindle Premium
Thanks for the gold! Favor returned. I REALLY wish I had more patience. I want to start earning money YESTERDAY. I keep doing deep breathing. Wealthy Affiliates has definitely done one thing for me - got me going to the gym everyday to run off all my pent up energy! Nothing has ever been able to do that!

Keep it real,
TJ Books Premium
You have what it takes to succeed here. But you must learn the tricks from the other members. Click on my pic to reply. Welcome to WA. You will learn much here. John
Danny21 Premium
Hi, RJ (I can call you this, right?) I'm new to WA too and I spotted your post on forum. I just want to say hi and say that I feel kinda related to you cause, I'm trying to be an author too. I haven't published anything yet, but I'm hoping I'll be soon.
It feels good to know there's someone with the same interest.

Well, then, see you around.
RJSpindle Premium
Sorry it took me so long to post back. Thanks for the post. I'm actually working on four different novels right now. Two I am co-authoring. I haven't had any major publications yet, but I do love to write, and I'm doing it all the time. The first novel is finished in rough draft form, I'm letting it incubate, you know how that goes...hurry up and wait. While I'm waiting, I'm writing another. My co-authored books are fun as well, but require a different kind of writing skill. Teamwork is always the way to get something that reeks of genius.

I wanted to thank you again for your post, because I was getting bored with this marketing stuff. I'm an instant gratification kind of person. It does feel good to know you're in the same boat with fish out of the same pond. Maybe I'll give it one more month before I decide.