Can Article Marketers Go Lone Wolf?

Last Update: March 12, 2011

Here's a crazy thought.

I'm starting to think that maybe an alternative route is to have a unique website of my own that contains only my articles. A simple wordpress site similar to Jennifers (potpiegirls) 2 sites. Categorize the topics and put only my content in there, then I control all the quality and not be relying on article directories.  

Anyone else think this is a viable way to go. Street Articles is only got the uniqueness going for it. What's to say we can't do that ourselves on a wordpress blog.

Here's why I'm thinking that. 4 articles just got published on EZA.

Yeah on a Saturday.

What's that all about?

Checked my site rankings and it went backwards. Guessing just now it's getting counted as crappy backlinks. Granted it probably will come back but that's why I'm thinking going lone wolf on the lot of the directories!

After all I'm in the online marketing for the long haul so why rely on piggybacking off of other sites. 

Anyone else been thinking along the same lines and just not want to admit incase it's one of those pie in the sky ideas that wouldn't take off.

Would love to hear others thoughts on just posting our articles to our own site.


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robert2704 Premium
Hi Sherion, I noticed in the affiliate part of WA the average length of membership is around 6 months. Some folks come in and learn enough then go. I stay for the community part. The training updates are great with Jay and all but the community environment is what keeps me here. I'm certainly considering giving it a shot. Just now I have stopped with site building and using Jennifers one week marketing alongside Travis's instacash keywords. I only have a handful of sites and only a couple of those needing a nudge to rank. I'm approaching my first year here and it's forcing me to think more long term rather than just the odd sale here and there.
Sherion Premium
Hey there, I don't remember his name but a couple of months ago this one guy was leaving here and he said that he came her to just learn. He did not using the hosting here or get tied in with having to rely on WA for anything. Of course, I kinda like having all hosting and everything in one place. It is good for me. I think you could try it. What would that hurt, Nothing.
Best Wishes To You
robert2704 Premium
Hey Phil, I think page rank went out the window a while back. Kyle and Carson has SA getting ranking with nada for page rank.
They'll have other things going on that help them get rankings fast but that's not something they will tell us. For example they have a part that will ping allsorts of sites to say they've published fresh content.

Hi Joan, when you say you have a library on your site. Have you tested to see if you can put a new blog up and link from your website to see if it helps get indexed faster. I'm not considering this for results in like 6 months. It will definitely be a long term project. The part that I find exciting about it is on the backend instead of like most directories affiliate marketing and adsense for more income, all the unique articles could be sample writing pieces to get some work as freelancing. Broadens the income streams.
phildeeze Premium
I agree. It is a good idea but in return you are losing the page rank of those article directories, which is one of the main reasons article marketing has been so powerful for so long.
jatdebeaune Premium
I've put a library on my site, however it's not as keyword optimized as the directory articles because I intended those article to supply info only. Google ranks the site well, but doesn't necessarily pick up those articles. They pick up my blogs from blogger, and they pick up my directory articles. If the directory has a page rank of 7, you're going to have to write many articles all by yourself to compete. If you try this, sure would like to know how it does.