Managing Your Costings Within WA

Last Update: April 28, 2011

Hey guys,

This is something that WA has within your "my WA" from the drop down menu under "campaigns". 

It's purpose is probably more to do with ad spending or things to keep you in the know of how much your spending in comparison with the revenue you're bringing in. 


 It dawned on me it can have different uses and that's what I've done with it this morning. 

The way I done that is to tally up the costs of all the IM stuff that I'm using or want to be using. 

WA membership costs + domain allowance to register them + hosting costs when it's time to move hosting - + ADD ANY INTEREST CHARGES YOUR CREDIT IS ACCRUING! ...

You'll all have different costings from me...that's just a quick glance of a few things I used in my tally up of costs. 

 The credit one's important for those just starting out here. If you're accruing interest on credit cards and stuff you want to paying the interest off on top of your payments to get rid of that debt ASAP.  

Mine isn't that high but I still want it cleared. Even a few bucks in interest can cover the price of another domain name. Something you can get a return on. Paying interest doesn't pay you. That's money that's better spent at . LOL!

 Pluggin my costing into the WA campaigns under "costings for IM" lets me see straight away from the notes in there that I need to make an extra 5 bucks a day to be in profit and have "RE-INVESTMENT" money to buy up new domains and get other income sources online. 

 Just thought I'd throw that one out there as there'll be others in here that need to know how much they're spending on a monthly basis and obviously that want to clear their feet from financial difficulties. 

Might help you manage your costings so you don't go into the red. 

All the best


PS..Wealthy affiliate is a business expense. It covers your training, your hosting, business consultations etc. It's not just a place to take a break from IM and jump in the forum for a blether.  For whatever your investment here is you should make your first goal to turn your membership investment here into a positive ROI. For us long termers here it's easier because of the price freeze thingy. If you've signed up at $97 that's a good goal to shoot for. Shoot for the 5 bucks a day and you'll be recuperating that in no time. 

Hint: 5 sites at a dollar a day or 10 at .5 a day or 20 at even less. The more the merrier.


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