EZA Caught On The Back Foot

Last Update: March 11, 2011

Who's all been invited to take part in a contest by ezine articles for goodies when you write an article a day for a hundred days and even more for double effort. 

Here's a quote from there blog

"Yes, the HAHD is still on. If you feel that your quality will be compromised by writing more, then write less. Quality trumps quantity. "

 Part of a conversation going on about the diamand status and someone asks about the contest. Which I forgot about as I qualified a while back. Think that's what my last blog post was about.

Anyway, I'm starting to think this will be there last contest of something like this. 

What's your thoughts. 

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robert2704 Premium
I think it's the marketing side of the internet that's throwing things up in the air. I submit quality to try and get the clickthroughs. I look at it as a win win. If it gets ranked I get traffic if I score the click throughs. That needs quality to get folks to click the link. If it doesn't rank, there's still a link there that Google can find and come and re crawl the website and maybe even reconsider my ranking and push the website up a notch. I think ezines is just feeling the pinch coz they lost revenue. They better still have enough profits to gimme my gifts and not email me for postage fees. LOL!
Labman_1 Premium
I think I'll take a break from E-zine until the smoke settles. SA is getting good results so I'll submit there for a while. I'd like another Platinum. I wonder if there's a mug at SA.
sherbet penny Premium
After all this over the top smoke blows away Ezine will be flying so I will keep writing quality articles for their site.
jatdebeaune Premium
I think they're trying to give people incentive to keep supplying articles for them. That's what the Diamond thing is all about. Nice that they say quality trumps quantity. That's been the case right along. I would be happy to write a solid article without worrying about all the Google stuff. According to Kyle and Carson, just write.