WA Club Website Dominates

Last Update: February 13, 2011

Hi Guys


Something extraordinary happened today. The website created during the WA Article Marketing Club just took over the keyword search term. #1 and #2 spots taken and right below it there's a + link to show more results for the website and then Google's spitting back 436 results for a site that just started 27 days ago. 


If you haven't enrolled in a WA club. Next one that pops along. Jump at it. You won't regret it. 


All the best

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robert2704 Premium
Thanks Jamie, got me hyped yesterday as the only others I saw having that was Kyle and Carsons beating adwords site which for that term I'm right behind them trying to overtake. LOL. Thought it was just as they have so many affiliates linking in but who knows how Google works.
Jamie Smith Premium
Congrats on your hard work and success Robert!