Yikes, Apologies for the delay with Buddy Adds

Last Update: February 03, 2011

Hi all,

I've been busy in the WA club and checked my WA spaces to find a LOT of buddy requests. Not been here for a while and checked in to find someone for a bit of advice to be met with 9 buddy requests. 

How Proud Am I?

 I hope you all haven't waited to long to be added but you are all hooked up now and I apologize for the delay in doing that. 

Wasn't being ignorant. 

Thanks again for the buddy requests. A heads up. I don't tend to be around the WA spaces very often so it's probably quicker to get me by PM. Should be over to your right under contact this user. 


Thanks again and all the best to everyone


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This Robert would like to be buddies and get some help to get this thing started.