My First Squidoo Lens

Last Update: June 07, 2010

It is my fourth day here in WA and although I have had some success using my affliate link in emails to family and friends ( total commissions so far = $215 ) I wanted to continue moving forward with additional action steps while waiting the release of my next Action Plan lesson.

As article marketing appeals to me ( and suits my next to nonexistent IM budget ) I headed over to the Training Center and began PotPieGirl's excellent tutorials - Fast Action Quick Start and Squidoo 101. For those of you who haven't yet checked these out I strongly urge you to if you're looking for clear, easy to understand and follow direction in this area.

Anyway long story short.... I combined her directions with my newly created Paypal, Clickbank and Squidoo accounts to create my first ever published Squidoo Lens. If you like you can check it out at:

and give me your feedback, positive or constructive. I apoligize for not inserting a link to it but I have tried several times and end up losing this whole blog post each time. So much to learn each step of the way!!!

The whole process was fairly straightforward with the exception of inserting hoplinks. It seemed that what worked in some modules wouldn't work in others. I am not even sure whether or not I will end up getting credited with commision should my lens lead to a sale.

I struggled with that part so much that I eventually just published as it is with the intention of going back and improving the whole thing after getting some advice from those of you who know this stuff better than I do.If you feel you can offer me some help with improving this I would welcome you suggestions. If you feel you would like to try this yourself I am happy to assist however I again refer you to the excellent tutorials already provided by PotPieGirl as a starting point.

I am very tired, with much to do in the offline world, so I am going to take a break and come back to this with a fresh mind as soon as I can. Thanks for reading. Here's wishing you much success with your own efforts!


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RocketRick Premium
Hello DABK, Thanks for taking the time to check out my lens and offer some tips on it. I really appreciate it! I'm at a loss about where the code shows instead of a link. Did that part exactly the same as a lower one where the graphic link did show. Several times in fact. I'll try again though. Not sure what you mean about easyhyperlinks but maybe going to that site will make it clear.

Good point on the comments section - I'll look for and add that module. I agree it needs beautifying and maybe more pictures and graphics as well? As it is my first effort I pushed myself to ensure I had a product and a lens that was published by bedtime last night. Now I will try to address some of the issues you pointed out. Thanks again.
DABK Premium
Can you think of a catchier title? How about making it a double title, where you get to use 2 of your keywords. (Build a Shed/Shed Building for Idiots.

Code shows where you want them to click on a link.
Use this to hyperlink text:

You ask them to tell you what they think but don't have the comments module.

Your lens needs beautifying. Put some color into it, bold letters, different size fonts.

It's very thorough. I clicked on one of your links. I got to the sales page and an offer to get a lessons for free popped up. You might want to mention they'd get that for clicking on links.