About Rodrigo Urbina
Joined April 2009
Hey, thanks for coming to My Space. You'll find here a normal family guy full of surprises, dreams, magnificent friends and the most important thing, @ list for me, a beautiful family, so let me tell you a little bit about myself; I'm married to Maribelle and I have two daughters, Amaya and Miranda (8 & 6 today) and we live in South Florida (no cold weather please). I also have a Jack Russell Terrier, who has been my son for the past 11 years. It's an amazing animal. Super smart, friendly and protector so don't mess with any of my family while my dog Titan is around. You are going to have to deal with it first. I joined WA last April, 2009 but personal matters kept me away for a while but I'm back. You know, "life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you are gonna get" (Forrest Gump). By the way, I'm a movie lover, especially action movies but over all, those kind of movies that leave something in your heart and in your mind (Pay it Forward, Whale rider, Phenomenon, Powder, The Last Samurai, Jerry McGuire, Rock Star, August Rush, Matrix 1, 2 and 3 among others). I'm a Scientologist and every one in my organization is learning, teaching and using Dianetics. With this powerful tool we are helping every being in all aspects of life and it's real. You can have a better life, you can achieve your dreams and understand what we are (www.scientology.org & www.dianetics.org). I love to read, that's one of my favorite hobbies, to cook (only healthy food please) and work out. Over all, spend as much time as I can with my family. I enjoy traveling, especially over new places. Obviously, I like to meet new people, share ideas, comments and life, not gossip please...LOL!!! Finally, I have to tell you that I'm not a computer person but I have learn a lot here inside this family and I want to help, when the time comes.
Send me your comments, I'll be glad to know you and help you.
Rodrigo Urbina's Accomplishments

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Rodrigo Urbina Premium
I would like to meet people all over the world!
dave-min Premium
just droped by to say hi, luv the little dog , like the choices of movies as well actually watched powder again yesterday
seen it several times and still enjoy it. hope things have been going well for you
Rodrigo Urbina Premium
Hey min: Thanks for your greetings. Did you see Pay it forward, the movie. Amazing concept. You know, i just saw your article @ benefits of aromatherapy and what memories...I worked with fragrance oils and essential oils for more than 20 years. Have a great WA week.
successful-life Premium
Hey Buddy. I appreciate the lift and the offer of support. My intensity in the photo is an "act" of sorts. I was a police officer for many years so I guess I just maintain that look! Anyway, how are you doing on this site? Have you met with much success. The amount of info is a little overwhelming, but I'm pushing through. I like the turn-key feeder sites. I guess i will start with that just to get a site out there. Any success with a feeder site for you?
Well, thanx for the contact and if there's anything I can do on my end, please let me know. Take care.
JimStrantz Premium
Welcome to WA Rodrigo!! Thats my dog and she is half setter and half collie!! I wish you the best of luck. If you need help click my pic to send a message. Dimitris.
Rodrigo Urbina Premium
Hey Dimitris, thanks for your words. Don't get lost and let's be in touch, ok? I just joined WA and I hope I can learn and meet a lot people vibrating on the same line of success. Talk to you soon!
Lailani Premium
Welcome to WA!

Your daughter's names are beautiful and I'm sure they are as well! This is a great community so if you have any questions just ask.

Good Luck!

~ Lailani
Rodrigo Urbina Premium
Hey Lailani, thanks for your welcoming words. You have a beautifl family. I am very new in WA and so far I love what i'm learning. I very excited about everything and I hope I can meet everyone in WA and more...talk to you soon!