Posts by RogerW 2
September 08, 2010
Hi All, Just want to say it's time for me to go. I have learned such a lot here, it's been a great training ground and thank you to all who've helped with advice, tips etc. I'm still working on how to optimize my site and look forward to the day when it gives me a financial return!  I look forward to building others as well. If it were not for WAU I would not have known which direction to take - so thanks again.  All the best, to all. RogerW  
In recent times I've been reading on forums about the concerns of people discovering their work being ripped off by fellow Internet marketers & writers etc. The first time we discover such, it shocks, it hurts, and it disappoints. Our first reaction is, "How could you.....?" But sadly, it is part of the human nature.  History is full of accounts given by inventors, innovators and creators who suffered the same thing. Plagiarism is alive and (un)well!  So when your work is