Day Seven?

Last Update: August 21, 2011

Have you been following the pattern? The longer I go, the more blog post days I miss. From the outside looking in it would seem I'm slacking off. Well, you sir/ma'am, are wrong! I would slap you across the face and challenge you to a duel for such an insult, three musketeers style!

Truth is, I've been slowly, but surely, tweaking my website and making sure it looks serviceable, and optimized to really help my fellow college students of the world in a meaningful way before I Tweet, Facebook, Youtube it to the world. Guess that's the down-side to being so self-conscious.

On a side note, have you guys realized how fun it is watching your idea come to life? Its like having a baby grow up! I'm pregnant with my own idea baby! Okay... That sounded kinda weird...Idea baby... Hope it likes Gerber.

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fenxx Premium
I know how you feel. I recently received the last entry on the 30 days to success but I'm still working on Day 11. I have been hard optimizing and had an exciting day seeing my site rank on the first 6 pages of Google (I only have 6 pages!).

Yep, I don't think you're slacking. It makes me on edge putting my website out there. I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one taking it slow but making it meaningful.

Best of luck Rolando!
fenxx Premium
I know how you feel. I recently received the last entry on the 30 days to success but I'm still working on Day 11. I have been hard optimizing and had an exciting day seeing my site rank on the first 6 pages of Google (I only have 6 pages!).

Yep, I don't think you're slacking. It makes me on edge putting my website out there. I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one taking it slow but making it meaningful.

Best of luck Rolando!
fenxx Premium
I know how you feel. I recently received the last entry on the 30 days to success but I'm still working on Day 11. I have been hard optimizing and had an exciting day seeing my site rank on the first 6 pages of Google (I only have 6 pages!).

Yep, I don't think you're slacking. It makes me on edge putting my website out there. I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one taking it slow but making it meaningful.

Best of luck Rolando!