Posts by Ronamo 2
I am a newbie. Had no idea what this online marketing thing was all about. I didn't think it could be too hard, after all, look at all these people making fantastic money on line. You see it advertised all the time. Make $45.00,$50.00, even $100.00 dollars an hour. Not a day, but an hour. You don't have to know anything, they will provide you with every thing you need. All you have to do is plunk your money down and they will send you names of companies looking for people to hire online.
July 08, 2012
People helping people. I live in south Jersey where we got hit pretty hard by last week’s storm. Of course I lost electricity and phone service. The electric was easy to fix, it took firing up the generator and hooking up some extension cords, plugging in the frig, direct TV and the air conditioner. The loss of the phone left me without internet, so I decided to head to town which is about ten miles from my house. Now mind you, I live in a very heavy wooded area and there were some heavy l