About RonMendoza
Joined May 2011
My name is Ron. I'm new to online marketing. I've tried network marketing two times before, but the money I've invested for it was wasted. I figured that maybe network marketing isn't the thing for me.
So as usual I search online for a small start-up business or a way to earn a few bucks online. I knew I should not quit just because somethings doesn't work for me and that's when I found out about Wealthy Affiliate. It was on the same web page where a review was made about a site that I was kind of interested in joining before and I was fortunate to find out that it doesn't really provide you with tools or training unlike Wealthy Affiliate. So with that, I made up my mind and joined Wealthy Affiliate instead.
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dawnmitchell Premium
Welcome to WA! You will find lots of information on WA, I also spent time and money on systems that wasted my time and money. I have been here only 10 days and I have learned more in that 10 days than the last 10 years about the internet and marketing. To your success with WA. Cheers
cashflow+ Premium
Hi Ron,welcome may you experience success in a big way here at WA. Cheers!
RonMendoza Premium
Thank you.
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Labman_1 Premium
Welcome to WA