About Ronniebryan
Joined May 2010
Hello WA, I guess this is where introductions come into play and I tell you who I am and explain briefly why you should even give me your time.

So , here it goes. I am a Missouri Native having lived here since about the 7th grade, I am a Veteran having served six years as a Marine, I am a college graduate earning my BSBA in business management from Colorado Technical University. I am hoping to one day pursue a Masters in Sales and Marketing through being a Full-Time Student at the University of San Francisco.

What initially brought me into Networking was I wanted to make more money. Get out of poverty , help others in my community also get out of poverty. That why was shallow and many times I came real-close to throwing in the towel when it seemed daily goals were not being met.
So, I found a deeper why the desire to meet my biological sister for the first time face- to- face.

Our relationship to date has been through mail and social media. I am determined to meet her , drive up to her home in a rented Limo, take her on a limo ride and have it all captured on video .

We see these videos where people can work outside, or play sports, own a home or drive a fancy car,and count money although, they are great promotional methods they still can leave people going, "Yeah right; or "Good for you" I think the best video would be one showing people spending quality time with their children, or living out a dream that at one time seemed impossible to do.

Seeing my Sister for the first time will be a dream come true=) Now why should you give your time to me? I am no Guru and my first year working from home was not as huge as some of the success stories I have read here.

My neighbor told me the most valuable resource I offer to others is I am tenacious I won't quit until I have seen the results. This does not only apply to my dreams but everyone who comes to know me their dreams are just as important. So, my time and any tool I can offer to simplify another person in their business are what I bring to the table.

I look forward to long-relationships, and testimonials if something I offered helped you in any way . May you all be blessed.
Ronniebryan's Accomplishments

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jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Ronnie. Thank you for the invite. I like your About Me bio. Look forward to being buddies.
ronniebryan Premium
Thank you for being my buddy=)
jeffrey73 Premium
Welcome to WAU ronnie!
ronniebryan Premium
Thank You glad to be here
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
ronniebryan Premium
Thank you for the welcome. I do hope that I can benefit all that come to know me here.
ronniebryan Premium
Hello Louise, welcome to my profile.
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME! Glad to have you here!
Feel free to contact me if you need help. Good luck! :)
ronniebryan Premium
Hello Louise, thank you for introducing yourself may you have a blessed week.