About Rp138
Joined January 2012
Hi, I know this is the "About Me" page but rather than typing out an inventory list of things I do, want to do, or have done, I thought I would just say "hello"! In the future I'll add to this page a little at a time but for now you can bet that I'm here for the same reasons you are.

The last time I bought something over the Internet it cost me $5000 in an attempt to sell my invention. Instead, it paid for a temporary patent and that was about it, (but I did walk away $5000 smarter).

Wealthy Affiliate's charges are much more reasonable and after reading Steve's article very carefully several times back in the beginning of December 2011, (I've tried that.com), I couldn't get the subject out of my mind. So around January 15, 2012 I joined up and am following the 30 day program deliberately staying about five days behind so that I can "preview" where I'm going a little at a time.

That's about it for now but I do intend to list my progress as I go to help those out who are just starting up behind me. I think there are a lot of people doing that and I'm sure I'll be able to take away some valuable information in the same manner.
See ya.
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cashflow+ Premium
Wishing you success here at WA. Cheers!
Rich9 Premium
rp138 Hi I am "rich9" in WA and have been a member for several years and STEVE'S blog is where I heard about WA. You will discover that WA is the real thing. I went down the same road as you but my costs were over $6,000. I have not completed any web sites yet, but have not spend any real time trying to build one. By the way in addition to Steve there is a very great gal in WA who has done a great job in Internet Marking and goes by the name "Potpiegirl" and has done a complete method on building a web site called "THE DAM WAY" and it is free. She has many other articles some of which free and there are many others in WA can be very helpful.
If you want to contact me my email is hcasey2@cox.net.
rp138 Premium
Thanks Rich9, I didn't know Steve was a girl! As you can see from what I told Sherry, I've got a little problem with time management at the moment but hope to get myself out from under that in the next few days. I'm so screwed up right now that I actually cannot figure out how to find Kyle or Carson's WA PM link. I need to calm down and go back into my paperwork. We'll talk again soon, thanks.
rp138 Premium
Allow me to correct myself on this. I misread and thought that Rich9 said that "Steve" was a girl. I have since been corrected. :)
Labman_1 Premium
Welcome to WA
rp138 Premium
Hi, I like the dogs.
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
rp138 Premium
Thanks Jamie.
Hi, Guess we came on board about the same time and I also came via Steve. I am excited about the 30 Days to Success and I am struggleing to keep up. Zero background in posting on the internet; just use it for research mostly. Sherry M
Hey Rich, I guess we all catch up when we can catch up. I have been working like crazy to just do something measurable (to me) each day. Some days I am afraid it was just "Find the class I was on yesterday". And thanks to the advice of a lot of folks here I am enjoying the journey! Hopefully I will have a website soon that I can invite you to stop by... Sherry
rp138 Premium
Hi Sherry, thanks, I'm sorry that I'm taking so long to reply but I am way over my head as far as my schedule goes right now. I'm sure that once I get caught up and pass this little, (or maybe big), snagged that I'm in I'll be able to get around the network and start meeting folks.