About Ryan2004a
Joined October 2009
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alfredfernandes Premium
Hi Ryan,

Nice to meet you.

Wishing you every success and all the very best for 2010.
VictoriaNTC Premium
Hello Ryan,
Squidoo is a free place to create a web page (Lens).
There is a Squidoo tutorial within WA which is an excellent resource.
At the top of Lenses, there are 5 stars, to rate and also a comment area usually near the bottom of a Lens.
If you need any help with building a Lens, just let me know!
I can send a video tutorial to you too!
Is is a pleasure to meet you!
ricia9c Premium
Hi Ryan, I'm glad to see you joined WA. I hope we can be of help to each other on here.
Slugger_mn Premium

If you need help let me know. I know what its like just starting out! Good luck and ask questions!
Slugger_mn Premium

Yea, it is really tough to get used to the site... When I started a few months back I had not a clue about how to use anything here, I was a complete newbie... But now I kinda know my way around... It does get easier.. Watch a lot of tutorials! A tutorial is a video how to guide... They help out a ton...

Focus on one method at a time too... This site has a the blessing and curs of having to much information for its own good... So it helps if you just take one method at a time and learn it before moving on to the next... Which method are you thinking about using ? Article marketing? PayPerClick? I would recommend article marketing before you try payperclick just because its free, its better to learn for free then to learn for a hard earned buck....

If your a visual learner there are 18 hours worth of really good videos I would give you the link for, that program helped me out a ton when I was starting out... It walks you through EVERY step, that program leaves no room for error, and tells you everything you will need to know!

If you are going to article market, I have had the best luck with these sites...


the last three are good for website style articles.. meaning there pretty much like your own website when your done... and the top ones are the sites I submit articles to in order to get traffic to my bottom three sites... The bottom three are where i promote my products... the top ones will only allow you to link to your own website... or blog site... so you have to be creative!

If you need help or want that link to the program let me know! good luck!
Slugger_mn Premium

Go to this link, Its located half way down the page, Its called the 4 day money making blueprint, I used it and loved it! They will give you everything you need to know about free article marketing... It helps when you only focus on one aspect at a time! Thats why I like this program so much.. Its very good for that, I still go back and watch a video here and there to help refresh my memory once and a while.. and it comes with a very helpful forum, I use the forum at the w/a which I expect you probably will to being a member... But theres is good to, and after you sign up for the program you have that forum forever as long as you dont refund the program.. It costs 29.00 i think or something like that, but its only a one time fee, and it is worth every penny! So enjoy, and let me know if you have any questions!
ryan2004a Premium
Thank you. Actually I do have a question. How long did it take you to get used to the site and tool? I am looking everything over and it is all so overwhelming.
ryan2004a Premium
Wow, that actually helps out a lot. Thank you so much for your help and inside to this whole new world I've entered. To give you a little idea of what I am looking to get into, I currently buy and sell textbooks for a living. I joined WA mostly to find some good marketing ideas on how to get my name out there. I would love to watch the 18 hours worth of videos you speak of, I think it could really help me get an idea of where I want to take my business and how I want to get it there. So again, I thank you for all of your help, you have been more than welcoming.
ryan2004a Premium
Not much to say, just signed up. Hope to make a lot of new friends that can help show me the ropes. I am more than overwelmed by everything here and a little help is always appreciated.

If you want to talk to me outside of WA, I am a HUGE fan of Xbox 360. My gamer take is: Ryan2004a. Look me up if you wanna game or chat about WA.